Page:A discourse upon the origin and foundation of the inequality among mankind (IA discourseuponori00rous).pdf/26

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Such are, Magnificent, moſt Honoured, and Sovereign Lords, the Advantages I ſhould have ſought for in the Country I would chooſe to be the place of my Birth. But if Providence added to theſe Favours a charming Situation, a temperate Climate, a fruitful Soil, and the moſt delightful Proſpect under the Canopy of Heaven, then, to be perfectly happy, I ſhould only deſire to enjoy all theſe Bleſſings in the Boſom of this happy Country, living peaceably in a ſweet Society with my Fellow Citizens, and exerciſing towards them, and after their Example, the Duties of Humanity, Friendſhip, and every other
