Page:A discourse upon the origin and foundation of the inequality among mankind (IA discourseuponori00rous).pdf/247

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among mankind.

inquiring of others what we are, and never daring to queſtion ourſelves on ſo delicate a Point, in the midſt of ſo much Philoſophy Humanity and Politeneſs, and ſo many ſublime Maxims, we have nothing to ſhew for ourſelves but a deceitful and frivolous Exterior, Honour without Virtue, Reaſon without Wiſdom, and Pleaſure without Happineſs. It is ſufficient that I have proved that this is not the original Condition of Man, and that it is merely the Spirit of Society, and the Inequality which Society engenders, that thus change and transform all our natural Inclinations.

I have endeavoured to exhibit the Origin and Progreſs of Inequality, the Inſtitution and Abuſe of Political Societies, as far as theſe things are capable of being deduced from the Na-

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