Page:A discourse upon the origin and foundation of the inequality among mankind (IA discourseuponori00rous).pdf/240

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On the inequality

'Tis from the Boſom of this Diſorder and theſe Revolutions, that Deſpotiſm gradually rearing up her hideous Creſt, and devouring in every part of the State all that ſtill remained ſound and untainted, would at laſt iſſue to trample upon the Laws and the People, and eſtabliſh herſelf upon the Ruins of the Republic. The Times immediately preceding this laſt Alteration would be Times of Calamity and Trouble: But at laſt every thing would be ſwallowed up by the Monſter; and the People would no longer have Chiefs or Laws, but only Tyrants. At this fatal Period all regard to Virtue and Manners would likewiſe diſappear; for Deſpotiſm, cui ex honeſto nulla eſt ſpes, tolerates no other Maſter, wherever it reigns; the Moment it ſpeaks, Probity and Duty loſe all their Influence, and the blindeſt Obedience is the only Virtue the miſerable Slaves have left them to practiſe.
