Page:A discourse upon the origin and foundation of the inequality among mankind (IA discourseuponori00rous).pdf/24

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their own Laws; ſuch muſt have been the rude Conſtitution of the firſt Governments at their iſſuing from a State of Nature, and this was another of the Vices that contributed to the Downfal of the Republic of Athens.

But I ſhould have choſen a Society, whoſe private Members, content with the Privilege of confirming their Laws, and of deciding, in a Body and on the Report of their Magiſtrates, the moſt important Affairs of a public Nature, eſtabliſhed reſpectable Tribunals; diſtinguiſhed with Care their different Departments, elected annually the moſt knowing, ſenſible, and
