Page:A discourse upon the origin and foundation of the inequality among mankind (IA discourseuponori00rous).pdf/238

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On the inequality

the Liberties of Nations extinguiſhed by ſlow Degrees, and the Groans, and Proteſtations and Appeals of the Weak treated as ſeditious Murmurings. We ſhould ſee Policy confine to a mercenary Portion of the People the Honour of defending the common Cauſe. We ſhould ſee Impoſts made neceſſary by ſuch Meaſures, the diſheartened Huſbandman deſert his Field even in time of Peace, and quit the Plough to take up the Sword. We ſhould ſee fatal and whimſical Rules laid down concerning the Point of Honour. We ſhould ſee the Champions of their Country ſooner or later become her Enemies, and perpetually holding their Poinards to the Breaſts of their Fellow-Citizens. Nay the time would come when they might be heard to ſay to the Oppreſſor of their Country:
