Page:A discourse upon the origin and foundation of the inequality among mankind (IA discourseuponori00rous).pdf/233

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among mankind.

make him obey, who does not wiſh to command; and the moſt refined Policy would find it impoſſible to ſubdue thoſe Men, who only deſire to be independent; but Inequality eaſily gains ground among baſe and ambitious Souls, ever ready to run the Riſks of Fortune, and almoſt indifferent whether they command or obey, as ſhe proves either favourable or adverſe to them. Thus then there muſt have been a time, when the Eyes of the People were bewitched to ſuch a Degree, that their Rulers needed only to have ſaid to the moſt pitiful Wretch, "Be great you and all your Poſterity," to make him immediately appear great in the Eyes of every one as well as in his own; and his Deſcendents took ſtill more upon them, in proportion to their Removes from him: the more diſtant and uncertain the Cauſe, the greater the Effect; the longer Line of Drones a

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