Page:A discourse upon the origin and foundation of the inequality among mankind (IA discourseuponori00rous).pdf/230

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On the inequality

Fellow-Citizens their Slaves; to look upon them, like ſo many Cows or Sheep, as a Part of their Subſtance; and to ſtile themſelves the Peers of Gods, and Kings of Kings.

By purſuing the Progreſs of Inequality in theſe different Revolutions, we ſhall diſcover that the Eſtabliſhment of Laws and of the Right of Property was the firſt Term of it; the Inſtitution of Magiſtrates the ſecond; and the third and laſt the changing of legal into arbitrary Power; ſo that the different States of Rich and Poor were authorized by the firſt Epocha; thoſe of Powerful and Weak by the ſecond; and by the third thoſe of Maſter and Slave, which formed the laſt Degree of Inequality, and the Term in which all the reſt at laſt end, till new Revolutions entirely diſſolve the Government, or bring it back nearer to its legal Conſtitution.
