Page:A discourse upon the origin and foundation of the inequality among mankind (IA discourseuponori00rous).pdf/223

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among mankind.

Laws regulates the Choice and the Power of the Magiſtrates appointed to look to the Execution of the reſt. This Power extends to every thing that can maintain the Conſtitution, but extends to nothing that can alter it. To this Power are added Honours, that may render the Laws and the Miniſters of them reſpectable; and the Perſons of the Miniſters are diſtinguiſhed by certain Prerogatives, which may make them amends for the great Fatigues inſeparable from a good Adminiſtration. The Magiſtrate, on his Side, obliges himſelf not to uſe the Power with which he is intruſted but conformably to the Intention of his Conſtituents, to maintain every one of them in the peaceable Poſſeſſion of his Property, and upon all Occaſions prefer the Good of the Publick to his own private Intereſt.
