Page:A discourse upon the origin and foundation of the inequality among mankind (IA discourseuponori00rous).pdf/216

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On the inequality

paternal Authority, we ſhould rather ſay that it is to the former that the latter owes its principal Force: No one Individual was acknowledged as the Father of ſeveral other Individuals, till they ſettled about him. The Father's Goods, which he can indeed diſpoſe of as he pleaſes, are the Ties which hold his Children to their Dependence upon him, and he may divide his Subſtance among them in proportion as they ſhall have deſerved his Attention by a continual Deference to his Commands. Now the Subjects of a Deſpotic Chief, far from having any ſuch Favour to expect from him, as both themſelves and all they have are his Property, or at leaſt are conſidered by him as ſuch, are obliged to receive as a Favour what he relinquiſhes to them of their own Property. He does them Juſtice when he ſtrips them; he treats them with Mercy when he ſuffers them to live.
