Page:A discourse upon the origin and foundation of the inequality among mankind (IA discourseuponori00rous).pdf/203

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among mankind.

ſters. All offered their Necks to the Yoke in hopes of ſecuring their Liberty; for tho' they had Senſe enough to perceive the Advantages of a political Conſtitution, they had not Experience enough to ſee beforehand the Dangers of it; thoſe among them, who were beſt qualified to foreſee Abuſes, were preciſely thoſe who expected to benefit by them; even the ſobereſt judged it requiſite to ſacrifice one part of their Liberty to enſure the other, as a Man, dangerouſly wounded in any of his Limbs, readily parts with it to ſave the reſt of his Body.

Such was, or muſt have been had Man been left to himſelf, the origin of Society and of the Laws, which increaſed the Fetters of the Weak and the Strength of the Rich; (18) irretrievably deſtroyed natural Liberty, fixed for ever the Laws of Property and Inequality; changed an artful Uſurpation into an irrevocable Title; and for the
