Page:A discourse upon the origin and foundation of the inequality among mankind (IA discourseuponori00rous).pdf/190

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On the inequality

ployed in Manufactures, the fewer Hands were left to provide Subſiſtence for all, tho' the Number of Mouths to be ſupplied with Food continued the ſame; and as ſome required Commodities in Exchange for their Iron, the reſt at laſt found out the Method of making Iron ſubſervient to the Multiplication of Commodities. Hence on the one hand Huſbandry and Agriculture, and on the other the Art of working Metals and of multiplying the Uſes of them.

To the tilling of the Earth the Diſtribution of it neceſſarily ſucceeded, and to Property once acknowledged the firſt Rules of Juſtice: for to ſecure every Man his own, every Man muſt have ſomething. Moreover, as Men began to extend their Views to Futurity, and all found themſelves in poſſeſſion of more or leſs Goods capable of being loſt, every one in particular had Reaſon to
