Page:A discourse upon the origin and foundation of the inequality among mankind (IA discourseuponori00rous).pdf/184

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On the inequality

moſt of whom have been found in this Condition, ſeems to confirm that Mankind was formed ever to remain in it, that this Condition is the real Youth of the World, and that all ulterior Improvements have been ſo many Steps, in Appearance towards the Perfection of Individuals, but in Fact towards the Decrepitneſs of the Species.

As long as Men remained ſatisfied with their ruſtic Cabins; as long as they confined themſelves to the uſe of Clothes made of the Skins of other Animals, and the uſe of Thorns and Fiſh-bones, in putting theſe Skins together; as long as they continued to conſider Feathers and Shells as ſufficient Ornaments, and to paint their Bodies of different Colours, to improve or ornament their Bows and Arrows, to form and ſcoop out with ſharp-edged Stones ſome little fishing Boats, or clumſey Inſtruments of Muſic; in a
