Page:A discourse upon the origin and foundation of the inequality among mankind (IA discourseuponori00rous).pdf/179

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among mankind.

duce Sentiments of Preference. By ſeeing each other often they contract a habit, which makes it painful not to ſee each other always. Tender and agreeable Sentiments ſteal into the Soul, and are by the ſmalleſt Oppoſition wound up into the moſt impetuous Fury: Jealouſy kindles with Love; Diſcord triumphs; and the gentleſt of Paſſions requires Sacrifices of human Blood to appeaſe it.

In Proportion as Ideas and Sentiments ſucceed each other, and the Head and the Heart exerciſe themſelves, Men continue to ſhake off their original Wildneſs, and their Connections become more intimate and extenſive. They now begin to aſſemble round a great Tree: Singing and Dancing, the genuine Offſpring of Love and Leiſure, become the Amuſement or rather the Occupation of the Men and Women, free from Care, thus gathered together. Every one be-
