Page:A discourse upon the origin and foundation of the inequality among mankind (IA discourseuponori00rous).pdf/175

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among mankind.

united, as a mutual Attachment and Liberty were the only Bonds of it; and it was now that the Sexes, whoſe way of Life had been hitherto the ſame, began to adopt different Manners and Cuſtoms. The Women became more ſedentary, and accuſtomed themſelves to ſtay at home and look after the Children, while the Men rambled abroad in queſt of Subſiſtence for the whole Family. The two Sexes likewiſe by living a little more at their Eaſe began to loſe ſomewhat of their uſual Ferocity and Sturdineſs: but if on the one hand Individuals became leſs able to engage ſeparately with wild Beaſts, they on the other were more eaſily got together to make a common Reſiſtance againſt them.

In this new ſtate of Things, the Simplicity and Solitarineſs of Man's Life, the Limitedneſs of his Wants, and the Inſtruments which he had invented to ſa-
