Page:A discourse upon the origin and foundation of the inequality among mankind (IA discourseuponori00rous).pdf/156

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On the inequality

Advantage could the moſt favoured derive from her Partiality, to the Prejudice of others, in a State of things, which ſcarce admitted any kind of Relation between her Pupils? Of what Service can Beauty be, where there is no Love? What will Wit avail People who don't ſpeak, or Craft thoſe who have no Affairs to tranſact? Authors are conſtantly crying out, that the ſtrongeſt would oppreſs the weakeſt; but let them explain what they mean by the Word Oppreſſion. One Man will rule with Violence, another will groan under a conſtant Subjection to all his Caprices: this is indeed preciſely what I obſerve among us, but I don't ſee how it can be ſaid of ſavage Men, into whoſe Heads it would be a hard Matter to drive even the Meaning of the Words Domination and Servitude. One Man might indeed ſeize on the Fruits which another had gathered, on the Game which another had killed,
