Page:A discourse upon the origin and foundation of the inequality among mankind (IA discourseuponori00rous).pdf/152

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On the inequality

Vengeance of Huſbands every Day produce Duels, Murders, and even worſe Crimes; where the Duty of an eternal Fidelity ſerves only to propagate Adultery; and the very Laws of Continence and Honour neceſſarily contribute to increaſe Diſſoluteneſs, and multiply Abortions.

Let us conclude that ſavage Man, wandering about in the Foreſts, without Induſtry, without Speech, without any fixed Reſidence, an equal Stranger to War and every ſocial Connection, without ſtanding in any ſhape in need of his Fellows, as well as without any Deſire of hurting them, and perhaps even without ever diſtinguiſhing them individually one from the other, ſubject to few Paſſions, and finding in himſelf all he wants, let us, I ſay, conclude that ſavage Man thus circumſtanced had no Knowledge or Sentiment but ſuch as are proper to that Condition, that he was alone ſenſible of his real Neceſſi-
