Page:A discourse upon the origin and foundation of the inequality among mankind (IA discourseuponori00rous).pdf/137

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among mankind.

to Man to moderate, on certain Occaſions, the blind and impetuous Sallies of Self-love, or the Deſire of Self-preſervation previous to the Appearance of that Paſſion, (15) allays the Ardour, with which he naturally purſues his private Welfare, by an innate Abhorrence to ſee Beings ſuffer that reſemble him. I ſhall not ſurely be contradicted, in granting to Man the only natural Virtue, which the moſt paſſionate Detractor of human Virtues could not deny him, I mean that of Pity, a Diſpoſition ſuitable to Creatures weak as we are, and liable to ſo many Evils; a Virtue ſo much the more univerſal, and withal uſeful to Man, as it takes place in him of all manner of Reflection; and ſo natural, that the Beaſts themſelves ſometimes give evident Signs of it. Not to ſpeak of the Tenderneſs of Mothers for their Young; and of the Dangers they face to ſcreen them from Danger; with what Reluctance are Horſes known to

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