Page:A discourse upon the origin and foundation of the inequality among mankind (IA discourseuponori00rous).pdf/113

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among mankind.

limeſt Truths, forming to himſelf, by the moſt abſtract Arguments, Maxims of Juſtice and Reaſon drawn from the Love of Order in general, or from the known Will of his Creator: In a word, tho' we were to ſuppoſe his Mind as intelligent and enlightened, as it muſt, and is, in fact, found to be dull and ſtupid; what Benefit would the Species receive from all theſe Metaphyſical Diſcoveries, which could not be communicated, but muſt periſh with the Individual who had made them? What Progreſs could Mankind make in the Foreſts, ſcattered up and down among the other Animals? And to what degree could Men mutually improve and enlighten each other, when they had no fixed Habitation, nor any need of each other's Aſſiſtance; when the ſame Perſons ſcarcely met twice in their whole Lives, and on meeting neither ſpake to, or ſo much as knew each other.
