Page:A discourse upon the origin and foundation of the inequality among mankind (IA discourseuponori00rous).pdf/107

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among mankind.

what it is to die, and the Knowledge of Death, and of its Terrors, is one of the firſt Acquiſitions made by Man, in conſequence of his deviating from the Animal State.

I could eaſily, were it requiſite, cite Facts in ſupport of this Opinion, and ſhow, that the Progreſs of the Mind has every where kept Pace exactly with the Wants, to which Nature had left the Inhabitants expoſed, or to which Circumſtances had ſubjected them, and conſequently to the Paſſions, which inclined them to provide for theſe Wants. I could exhibit in Ægypt the Arts ſtarting up, and extending themſelves with the Inundations of the Nile; I could purſue them in their Progreſs among the Greeks, where they were ſeen to bud forth, grow, and riſe to the Heavens, in the midſt of the Sands and Rocks of Attica, without being able to take Root on the fertile
