Page:A dictionary of printers and printing.djvu/979

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Dawks, Ichabold 679, 860

Dawks, Jacob STB

Dawks, Thomas 600

Oawsoo, John 490

Dawson, Thomas 344, 4(0,

Dawson, William 838

Day, Bartholomew 944

Dajr, bp. of Chichester, 304

Day, bp. of Winchester, 433

Day, WUliam 905

Dayc, Bartholomew 384

Daye, John 31, 290, 323, 345, 357, 368, 363. 369, 380, 381, 383,384,385

Daye, rev. John 384

Daye, rev. Lionel 38i

Daye, Richard 363, 384

Daye, Stephen 680

D'Azra, chevalier 861

Dean, Jotm 892

Dean, Randall 948

Dean, Thomas

Dean, William 948

Debrett, Jolm 833, 880

Deck, Philip 178

Deering, sir E. 496

De Foe, Daniel 690, 693, 595, 600,644

Delghton, Thomas 887

Deinville, sir Joselln 83

Dekkar, Thomas 482

Delahoy, Mr. 825

Delany, Dr. 2

De La Rue, Cornish, & Rock, 916

Dell, Henry 760

Ddpeche, M. 824

Dench, Henry 763

Denham, Henry 297, 347,389, . 441

Denham, sir John 545

Dennis, John 6I7, 663

Denon, baron 913

Denovan, WilUam 727

Dent, Mr. 772

Denton, John 764

Derome 354

Descartes 232, 604

Devell, Thomas 326

Devereox, Robert, eail of Es- sex 439

Devonshire, duke of 823, 913

D'Ewe 668

Dewes, Gerard ssg

Dewick and Son 940

Dexter, Robert 446

Dexwdl, Thomas 235

Diana of Foicticrs 323

Dibdin, Dr. T. F. gi, 94, l43, 193, 816, 837, 844, 866, 912,

913,916,931,944 Dlcas, John 930 Dicey, William 624, 626 Dickens, WUUam 419 Olckman, Alexander 696 DIdot, nrmin 795, 818, 842 Didot, Francis Ambrose 796,

818 Didot, Peter Francis 818, 866 Didot, Roger 865 Dietz, Lndowich 310 Digby, sir Everard 448 Digges, Leonard 473 only, Charles 746, 830 Dilly, Edward 744, 7(6, 830 Dilly, John, esq. 830 Dinwiddle Mr. 8S3 Diocletian, emperor 31 Disle, Henry 363 Dlslc, John 209 DUley, Henry 372 O'lnracli, Isaac 284, 299, 542,

701,860, 895,964 Ditcher, Mrs. 708 Ditcher, Philip 7O8 Dixie.sirWolston, lord mayor

of London, 368 Docnra, Mr. 569, 6G0 Docnra, sir Thomas 659 Dod. Charles 443, 669, 660 Dodd, Mr. 771 Oodd, Edward 713

Dodd, Nathaniel too Dodd, rev. William 705 Dodsley, James 746, 793, 794,

806,816,911 Dodsley, Robert 602, 6(8, 71 1

712, 71s, 714 Doesborowc, John of SIO Dolby, 886 Dolet, Claude 294 Dolet, Stephen 293, 291 DoUc, W. 548 Dominick and Mills, 426 Donald of the isles 86 Donaldson, James 9I6 Donall, Mr. 600 Donatus, 345 Donkin, Bryan 863' DoDDC, Jotm, dean of St.

Paul's, 620 Dorman, Mr. 633 Dormer, sir C. C. 71* Dorrington, Mr. 664 Dorset, Charles,earlofSack-

viUe,666 Dortas, Abraham 196 Dortas, don Samuel 195 Douce, Francis 347 Doufflas, Gavin, blsh:;p of

Dunkeld 188 698 Douglas, Gcor^ 390 Dous1as.Jamcs, earl of Mor.

ton, 390 Douglas, Marj^aret 839 Dover, Simon 540 Dowell, Richard 863 Dowlcy, Mr. 616 Downes, Bartholomew 473 Downes, rev, Andrew 456 Downes, Joseph 8S7 910, 967 Downing, Joseph 063 Downing, Mr. flOl, 631 Downs, Thomas 460 Dowsett, S. 910, 915 Dowsing, William 499 Dowton, Matthew 588 Drach, Petros 134 Draghl, Alexand^ 891 Drakard, John 843, 879 Drake, Dr. Nathan 596, 799,

433, 844 Drake, sir Francis 399, 433 Drawza, Mr. 773 Drayton, Michael 436, 483 Drew, Jotm 863 Drew, Samuel M. A. 938, 948 Drewry, Samuel 648, 887 Dritzehen, Andrew 96 Oritzehen, Nicholas 9O ^ Droshout, Martin 474 Dru, Pierre le 202 Drummond,Wm. 490,491,613 Dnist, Theodore 283 Dmry, John 848 Di ury, John Isaac 834 Drury, Mr. 869 Drury, rev. Henry 332 Drury, rev. Joseph D.D. 889 Drury, sir William sOl Dryden, John 614, 672, 681,

671. 866, 922 Dubois, Edward, esq. 833 Dubois, Mr. M. P. 572 Du Cange, 74 Ducarel, 42

Ducket, rev. Andrew 137 Ducket, Lionel, lord mayor

of London, 361 Ducket, Mr. 611 Dudley, John duke of Nor- thumberland, 318 Dudley, rev. sir Henry Bate

793, 921 Dudley .Robert earl Leicester

361, 386, 409, 443 Du Guard William 331 , 332 Dngdale, sir WUliam 167 Dulcinio, P. Stephen 131 Dullard, James 347 Dun, or Dunt, John 639 DunbaiS William rev 396 Doncan, James Dnncarcl, 43

Doncombe, T. S. esq. 934 Dnnlap, William 840 Dnnmore, John 651 Dunn, JonaUian 897 Dnns Scotos 08 Donston, archbishop of Can-

terbury, 53, 67 Dunton, John 674, S79, 649,

609,611,660,661 Dupre, Jean 170 Dnrer, Albert 132, 343, M4,

246, 266

Dnttlcins, 39

Dyce, rev. Alexander 416

Oyer, John 604

Easte, Lncretia482 Easte, Thomas 344, 350,448 Eaaton, Edward 786 Easton, James 785 Eaton, Daniel Isaac 779, 866 Eaton, James 896 Ecdeston, John 630 Echard, Mr. 156 Ecton, Mr. OOO Eddowes, Joshua 843 Edes, Beqjamln 734 Edgar, king of England, 48 Edgeworth, Miss 836 EdUn, John 633,684 Edmondson, Godfrey 482 Edmund, James 8] 7 Edmunds, Mr. 722 Edward I. king of England 6s Edward II. king of England

137, 175 Edward HI. king of England

70, 71, 74, 76 Edward VI. king of England

137, 176, 300, 304, 306, 310, 311, 313,317, 318

Edwards, E. 860 Edwards, G. Noel 776 Edwards, James 815, 933 Edwards, John 933 Edwards, Maister 334, 363,

410 Edwards, Richard 328 Edwards, R. 909 Edwards, Thomas 933 Edwards, William 832 EtTcndl, Ibrahim 036 Egbert, BTchbp. of York, 45 Egeiton, Jolm 784 Egerton, Park 676 Egerton, rev. Francis, earl of

Bridgewater 908, 909 Egerton, Thomas 784 Eggelstdn, Henry 133 i^lesham, Wells 759 Eeremont, earl of 713 Eld, George 449 Elderton, William 357 Eleanor, queen of Eng. 126 Elizabeth, queen of England,

337, 340, 418, 431, 441, 442,

443,444,476 EUzabetb, q. of Hnngary, 62 Elliot, Ebenezer 143 Elliott, Charles 814, 921 Elmsly, Peter 746, 81 1, 814 Elpliinstone, James 766 Elstracke, Reginald 370 Elyot sir Thomas 391 Elzevir, Abraham 461 Elzevir, Bonaventure 461 Elzevir, Daniel 461 Elzevir, Isaac 461 Elzevir. Jotm 461 Elzevir, Louis 461 Elziver, Louis, II. 46^ Emerion, Mr. 746 Emery, John 892 Emperour, Martin 257 Endters, Andreas 140 EnSeid, Dr. William 836 Englande, Nicholas 373 Episcopius, Nicholas 337,243 Erasmus, 300, 314, 233, 241,

242, 26:, 2O3, 892 Erccldowne, Thomas of 61 Eric, of Pomerania 88

Krigena, John Scotos SS Erskine, Jolm, of Don. 14a Ersklne, ThomaB,lord 704,963 Ethelbert, king of Kent, 40 Etbeilge, Geiage 339 Etfaerington, Thomas 832 Eumenes, of Petgamns, 34 Eusden, rev. Lawrence (4S Eusibius, 374 Eustace, William 203 Evan, Thomas 863 Evans, Edward 94 1 Evans, John 904 Evans, R.B.-933 Evans, Thomas 815 Evelyn, John 606, 691 Eveiinglum, R. 660, 673 Eveme. bp. of Worcester, 48 Evets, Mr. 720 Exshaw, Jotm 087 Eyre, Andrew ell Byre, Chailes 6O9, 7*1 Eyie, George 81 1 Eyre, John 72O

Faber, T. 656 Faber, Marechal 222 FaUan, Robert 211 Fabri, John 168, 230 Faden, WilUam 678, 703 Fagc, Mrs. Mary 479 Fairbaime, John 3*5 Fairie, Robert 802 Faimum, captain 858 Fairman, colonal W. Bleo-

nerhapet, 898 Faithhorne. W. 192 Falconer, William 663, 78a Falter, M. 932 Fancomt, Samoel 7I8 Fane, lady Eliz. 339, S9S Faques, William 305, 314, S47 F^ois, Paul 324 Farley, Abraham F.R.S. 71 6 Farley, Samuel 61 1 Fanner, John, Jon. 821 Farmer, John, sen. 769 Farmer, Mr. 826 Farmer, Thomas 701, 711 Farmer, William 397 Famswoith, Thomas 866 Famworth, rev. Ellis 41S Farqohar, George 64O, 6(9,

686,736 Farquhar, Mr. 77s Farrell, Edward 600 Farringdon, Hugh, abtiot 373 Farrington. Mr. 771 Faryner, Mr. 643 Fancett, T. 483 Faulkner, George 040, flsft


Faulkner, Henry 847 Faulkner, Matthew 776, 888 Faust, John 96, 106, loO, 107,

108,119, 133, 134, 128 Fawkes, John 16* Fawkes, Myghel 26* Fawkes, Richard 263 Fawkner, Jotm P. 910 Fawne, Mr. 621 Feame, David 694 Featberstone. Mr. *6S Fell. John, bp. of Oxfanl,5sa Felton, Jotm 367 Fen, Thomas, 4 Fenelon, archtiiabopaf Cam- bray 679 Fenner, jostiGC 414, 418 Fenner, William 678, 836 Fenton, Elijah 021, 07«, 710 Fenwick, John, 9<g Ferbrand, William 434 FerdosI, (Persian poet) 48 Ferguson, Jotm 917 Ferrandos, Thomas 140 Ferrier, John M.D. 837 Fezandat, Michael sag Field, Jolm 287, 610, 621 Field, Nathaniel 641 Field, Richard 407, 418, 4X5, 441, 4S1