Page:A dictionary of printers and printing.djvu/881

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ment shall hare been had, shall be ; and iu case admission shall be refused or not obtained within a reasonable time after it shall have been first demanded, to enter by force by day into any such house, building, or place whatsoever, and to carry away all copies of the libel there found, and to detain the same in safe custody until the same shall be restored under the provisions of this act, or disposed of according to any further order made in relation thereto.

2. That if in any case as aforesaid judgment shall be arrested, or if, afler judgment shall hare been entered, the same shall be reversed upon any writ of enor, all copies so seized shall be forthwith returned to the person or persons from whom the same shall have been so taken as aforesaid, free of all charge and expense, and without the payment of anv fees whatever ; and in every case in which final judgment shall be entered upon the verdict so found against the person or persons charged with having composed, printed, or published such libel, then all copies so seized shall be disposed of as the court in which such judgment shall be given shall order and direct.

3. Provided that in Scotland, in every case in which any person or persons shall be found guilty before the court of justiciary, of composing, printing, or publishing any blasphemous or seditions libel, or where sentence of fugitation shall have been pronounced ajgainst any person or persons, in consequence of their failmg to appear to answer to any indictment charging them with having composed, printed,or published any such libel, Uiea and in either of such cases, it shall and may be lawful for the said court to make an order for the seizure, carrying away, and detaining in safe custody, all copies of the libel in the possession of anv such person or per- sons, or in ue possession of any other person or persons named in such order, for his or their use, evidence upon oath having been previously given to the satisfaction of sucn court or judge, that a copy or copies of the said libel is or are in the possession ot such other person for the use of the person against whom such verdict or judgment, shall have been had as aforesaid; and every such order so made shall and may be carried into efiect, in such and the same manner as any order made by the court of justiciary, or any circuit court of justiciary, may be carried into effect according to the law and practice of Scotland : provided always, that in the event of any person or persons being reponed against any such sentence of fugitation, and being thereafter acquitted, all copies so seized shall be forthwith returned to the person or persons from whom the same shall hare been so taken as aforesaid ; and in all other cases, the copies so seized shall be disposed of in such manner as the said court may direct.

4. That if any person shall be legally con- victed of having, after the passing of this act, composed, printed, or published any blasphemous libel or any other seditious libel as aforesaid, and shall, after being so convicted, oAend a second

time, and be thereof legally convicted before my commission of oyer and terminer or gaol ddiveiy, or in bis majesty's court of king's bench, sndi person may, on such second conviction, be id- judged, at the discretion of the court, either to suffer such punisment as may now by law be inflicted in cases of high misdemeanors, or to be banished from the united kingdom, and all otbei parts of his majesty's dominions, for such tern of years as the court in which such conviction shall take place shall order. ' 5. That in case any person so sentenced isd ordered to be banishea as aforesaid, shall not depart from this united kingdom within thiit; davs afler the pronouncing ofsuch sentence ud order as aforesaid, for the purpose of going iiu such banishment as aforesaid, it shall and may be lawful to and for his majesty to convey suck person to such parts out of the dominions of hii said 'inajesty, as his majesty by and with tlu advice of his privy council shall direct.

6. That if any offender, who shall be so ordered by any such court as aforesaid to be banished in manner aforesaid, shall after the end of forty davs from the time such sentence and order liath been pronounced, be at large witUi any part [of the united kingdom, or any olhei part of his majesty's dominions, without some lawful cause, before the expiration of the tem for which such offender shall nave been so oidend to be banished as aforesaid, everysuch offender being' so at large as aforesaid, being thereof lawfully convictM, shall be transported to sudi place as shall be appointed by his majesty for any term not exceeding fourteen years; and sadi offender may be tried, either before any justicei of assize, oyer and terminer, great sessions, or giol delivery, for the county, city, liberty, borough, or place where such offender shall be appie- hended and taken, or where he or she was sen- tenced to banishment; and the clerk of assiie, clerk of the peace, or other clerk or officer of the court having the custody of the records when such order of ^mishment shall have been made, shall, when thereunto required on his majesty behalf, make out and give a certificate in «nt- ing, signed by him, containing the effect and suMtance only (omitting the formal part) of every indictment and conviction of such offen- der, and of the order for his or her banisbnient, to the justices of assize, oyer and terminer, gieat sessions, or gaol delivery, where such offendei shall be indicted, for which certificate six shil- lings and eightpence, and no more shall be paid, ana which certificate shall be sufficient proof of ihe conviction and order for banishment of an; such offender.

The remaining clauses relate only to the mode of proceeding in case of former conviction, limi- tation of actions, &c.

1819. Act 60 Geo. III. cap. ix.— ro tuhjed certain Publicationt to the Dutiet of Stamps np<m NewspaperM, and to make other regulatumt for restraimmg the abuses arising from the publieatio* of UasphJtemous and seditious Libels ;

Recites, that pamphlets and printed papfr