Page:A dictionary of printers and printing.djvu/1000

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PteHeal Oartimd of Julia MS

Poleml middinia, the earliest Bpcdmen of British macaninlc poetry 613 — by whom inventeil 6l3

Portfolio 863

Porticiu, or Portico, meaning of 849

Poat Angel S85— Boy 579, 609, 633

Fottilla, meaning of gs

Porting bills, origin of 541

Post Uan aoo, 633 — and Hiftorieal Account &79

Practice of Preaching, errata in 167

Pratler 665

Prator 696

Praent state of the repuilic of lelten 640

Preu, act! against the liberty of 689, 800, 871, 87S— effects of the freedom of 806, 808— attempt to crush it 506— powers of 807, SOS, 554, 655— utility and influence of 5S3~advantages of the periodical 725, 726— progress of 438 — opinions on theliberty of. Gold- smith's 806— MUton'85 1 1— Johnson's 683 — Sheridan's 806 — sir Thomas Brown's 497— lines on the liberty of 451, 640— association for suppressing the liberty of 881— persecution of 779 ■ong on the 919— lines to the 757, 640 licenser of, in England 560— in Ame- rica 638— considerations and propo- sals In order to the regulation of 633, 540 — society of the friendi of freedom of 7I6, censorship in EngUnd 343— extract from the Tearj of the Preu 548 — meeting to remove the restric- tions of al6— at Oxford, advice to the corrector of 663— <«t against in ire- land 760— extracts from M'Creery's poem of the 100, 107, 800, 907— last reatrictiTe laws against577— licenser of restored 631— printing press first made 96— petitions for the repeal of the doty on 988— forged one 790

Pressing to death, notice of 6ig Presfoii Review, and Count!/ Adoertitcr

779— Journal S3i— Chronicle 939 Meat, felony to harbour 370 Primer, or Form of Public Prayer, per- mitted to be used 290 Pruuce of Wala'i leUmd Qazelte 834 Principal Pateagee of Oermany 488 Printer, anecdote of a Journeyman 668 Printers of l>ondon, petition of, con- cerning patents 497— devils, origin of 646— list of, in the reign of George I. 631, 633— honours paid to 160— errors, carious notice of 161, 163 — nomber of, In and about lx)ndon in 1S66 and 18S1, 543- in Ireland 643 in England in 1699, 436— nineteen jonmeymen lmprisoned840 — pension society established 903— benefit for, at Covent-garden theatre 909— bene- fit at the Coburg theatre for the un- employed Journeymen of London 899— opposition to, at I>aris 131— of Paris, celebrated the death of FranUin 709— May Festival 633— first privilege granted to 334— Gram-

f mar, first pouisbed 692 — act of in- demnity 909 — decree against in Hol- land 843— penalties inflicted on 633, 539— Mrs. JElianor James's advice to 597— list of, who contributed towards the loss of Mr. Bowyer 600, 601 Printing, invention of 101— opinions OD the origin of 106, 106, 107— first poem written in praise of 381— ac- coont at its introduction into Eng- land 144, 146 — edict at Nuremberg ■gainst 335— lines against 133 — en- ««™Tilnni« on 37, 100, 176, 683, 808, — works upon 949— first important specimen of 117— from Uoeks Invent- ed 90— ornamental, practised by the early professors 130— prices for, first fixed 763 — first machine invented for 843, 866— anniversary of the fourth centenary held at Edinborgh 949— epigram on tsi— 4k contemplation on the myitetj ot man's tegcneratiOD,

in ailosion to the mystery of 683— the king's prerogative in, confirmed 643 — in red and black 165— colours, on calico B85 — practical hints on decorative printing, published 885 ~' lines on 619 — ink, invention of 140 —Rusher's improved types for 813

Printing Maeh^y a Review for the Many 936

Printing-office, ancient customs (H sl4 modern customs of 616 — chapel, so called 14l, 614 — poetical description of 676— curious law concerning, in Scotland 676

Printing-ofllces destroyed or damaged byfire— Bagster's 880— Bernard's 841 Basket's 661— Bensleys 831, 871— Bowyer's 600, 630 — Cox and Bigg's 736— Cocks's 721— Crowder's 721— Dewlck and Son's 940 — Downes's 867 — Gillett'a 823,840— Guy and Balne's 876 — Hamilton's 811 — Johnson and Payne's 72 1— Moyes's 893 — Nichols's 833— Paris's 840— Rickaby's 761— Spottiswoode s 946 — Swan's 831 — Smeaton's 835 — Wilson's 893 — Gore's 735, and the Caxton 879, Liverpool — Clarendon 953, and another 500 at Oxford— Flood's. Canterbury, 848 — Uoogly 743, and Serampore 846 East Indies— Mackenzie's 896, Upper Ca- nada—New York 940, 944 — Skara 693, and Upsal 668, Sweden

Printing presses and public schools suppressed in Russia 799

Proceeding! at auildhaU 668, 662—0/ the king'a commiMion of the peace 677, 578, 686—0/ both houiee of parliament 498, 601 — of the parlia- ment of Scotland 577 — of parlia- mentt and armies 504

Proclamation against the shrine and goods of Thomas a Becket 268 — for forbidding the eating of flesh in the time of lent 313— for thereformation of vagabonds 813— against slander and sedition 313— for the price of victuals 313— to put away divers books and images 304, 305 — obser- vations on 313 — against the authors, printers, and diapersers of sedltloua books and libels 390, 304, 306, 313, 333, 370, 398, 642, 647, 560, 570, 606, 635, 691, 778 — against ruffs and ra- piers 442 — for calling out hcrctors and fencible men to attend the king's host 676

Profane authors, monk's opinio n of77

Projector 636. 813

Prompter 653

Protestant Advocate 63i—Domatie In- telligence ii7— Intelligence iei,t34 afagaixne 7^9— Medley 6\i—Mer- cuFJf 679, tta—Oitervator 663— Oj /ar<l Intelligence 646, tSi— Packet 613— Pacfuet 614— Post Bog 600— (No. 113) 603

Protestants, origin of the name 359

Proletlor 688

Provisions, price of 139, 315, 366

Prynne, William, fined and imprisoned 488, 489

Psalms in Swedish verse 6l3— errata in 631 — curious list of tunea 408 — flrst edition of Stemhoid's version 806— singing flnt practised 383, 384— became general in Kni^and 311— French version of 383

Psalter, the first publication of Faust and ScbCDffer 119 — first printed in England 303 — belonging to Blciuurd 11.83

PtaUer of Ton, ancient Irish manu- script S3

PublieaUons, number of, tmm 1666 to 1660, 561 — number and cost of for 1800, 806— number of, from ISOO to 1827, 901

PuiUc Advtrtiter 816, 831, 833

PuUie Spirit of the Whigt 604

Punctuation, specimen of early 310— pcesent mode of sit

Puritan, origin of the name 340 Pydna, battle of 34

Queen^t Maague, song from 491 ■ Quills, anecdote of a bunch of 96 Quincuplex psalter, the first work in

which the verses are distinguished

by Arabic numerals 313 Quipoes, explanation of 955 Quiz 793— Quixzical Oaxelte 919

Rack, used to extort confession 373

Raleigh, sir Walter, beheaded 466, 466

Ralph Roister Uoister 314

Ramble round the world 673

Rambler 803— (by Johnson) 678, 679

Ranger 783

Reader, (by Steele) 609

Reading Mercury 639

Read's Halfpenny Post 633 — Journal 633

Reaper, by Mr. Maude 793

Reasoner 709, 797

Reconciler 604

Recto and Verso, origin of the terms 64

Reflector 680

R^crmation, progress of in England 272, 273, 274, 383

Rhapsody 603

Rehearsal Rehearsed 593

Relationes Extraardinaria !it,7

Religio Medici, extract from concerning printers 497

Relics 368,369— preserved in books 158

Remarkable Occurrences 614

Remarkable Passages 600

Remembrancer, by James Ralph 674

Repertory of Arts and Manufactures 783

Reporter 797

Reporters, observations on 883. 884

Reporting the debates of parllunent, origin of 656— anecdote of Dr. John- son, concerning 667— complaint in both houses against 657, 658— prosecution of several printers for 734 — noble conduct of the lord mayor 735 — instance of extraordinary labour in 764 — the present system 683

Reprisal 6\6

Restorer 6l3

Re ratter i9l

Retrospective Review 904

Review of the t^airs of France 690

Revolutionary Plutarch

Revolution of l689.observationsonS73

Rice, Hngh ap, founds the flrst protes- tant college at Oxford 396

Richard II. description of his corona- nation 76

Rights ofUterature, by John Britton 848

Rights of Man and Burke's Reply, the number sold in one year 773

Rizzlo, David, mtirdered 3^

Roads, state of, in England 384

Robin's Last Shift 614

Robin Snap, (Norwich) 723

Robinson 6riim<, controversy concerning the copyright of 6I8— privately printed 796

Bocks nsed by the Danes to preserve their laws npon 30

Rogers, John, bomt 366

Rolls mentioned in the Ubie 34— used by the Greeks and Romans 16

Roman slgilnm, or signet 16

Romance, meaning en the word 63

Romanesdie, first book printed in 440

-Roman Post Boy 673

Romans, their invasion of Britain SO — superstitious processions of ll6

Rood, meaning ol 413

Rosetta stone, notice of 16, 17

Rotterdam Courant 666, 560

-Sowui Table, by WilUam Hazlitt 896

Roxburghe dub established 846

Ra/al Cornwall Oatette 893— Jamaica Oatette 916— Magazine ; or, Ben' tleman's Monthly Companion 704 — Mercury 807— -ZManiai 509, 618 —Fe- male Magazine 704

6 I