Page:A description of Greenland.djvu/58

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The Natural Hiſtory
The fifth Expedition by a Company of Merchants at Copenhagen.There was beſides theſe four Expeditions, at the King's Coſt, a fifth undertaken, in the ſame King's Reign, by a Company ſettled in Copenhagen in the Year 1636; of which Company the Preſident was the Lord High Chancellor, Chriſtian Friis, as Lyſcander informs us. Two Ships, fitted out by this Company, directing their Courſe to the Weſtward of Greenland, fell in with the Strait of Davis, where they traded, for a while, with the Savages: But this was not the main Concern of the Commander, who was acquainted with a Coaſt, whoſe Sand had the Colour and Weight of Gold,Brought from thencec a yellow Sand, ſaid to contain Gold. which he accordingly and not miſs; and filled both their Ships with the ſame. After their Return to Copnhagen, the Goldſmiths were ordered to make a Trial, whether this Sand would yield any Gold, or no; who not being ſkillful enough to make ſuch a Trial, condemned it to be all thrown over Board; which was done by Order of the High Chancellor, Preſident of the Company. Some Part of the ſaid Sand was yet kept, out of Curioſity; out of which