Page:A description of Greenland.djvu/56

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The Natural Hiſtory

the Command of Lindenow, The other two Ships brought ſome Metal which contained Silver-Ore, and four Savages.after they had doubled Cape Farewell, ſteered directly for the Strait of Davis; in which Navigation they diſcovered many fine Harbours, delightful green Meadow-lands, but all the Inhabitants along the Coaſts wild and ſavage, as before. 'Tis pretended alſo, that they in ſome Places found Stones, which contained ſome Silver Ore, which they took along with them; of which 100 Pound yelded 26 Ounces of Silver. (Here again I cannot forbear queſtioning, whether this Silver-Ore has been found on the Greenland Shore, or rather over againſt it, on the American Coaſt.) Theſe two Ships alſo brought four Savages home with them to Copenhagen.

In the ſecond Voyage the four Savages were ſent back again, but one died at Sea.The ſecond Expedition was made by Order of the ſame King in the Year 1606, with five Ships, under the Conduct of the aforementioned Admiral Lindenow; bringing along with them three of the Savages (one of them dying in the Voyage) which they had carried off, the Year before, from