Page:A description of Greenland.djvu/38

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The Natural Hiſtory

were deſtroyed, and Chriſtianity rooted out by the Savage Heathens. The modern Inhabitants have ſome Knowledge hereof.The modern Inhabitants of Weſt Greenland, being (no doubt) the Offspring of the afore-mentioned wild and barbarous Schrellings, have no certain Account to give us of this Matter; though they will tell you, that the old decayed dwelling Places and Villages, whoſe Ruins are yet ſeen, were inhabited formerly by a Nation quite different from theirs; and they alſo affirm, what the ancient Hiſtories tell us, that their Anceſtors made War with them, and deſtyoyed them[1].

  1. A ridiculous Tale of the modern Greenlanders concerning the Origin and Deſtruction of our Nation in thoſe Parts.The Greenlanders relate a very ridiculous Story, as well concerning the Origin of our Colonies (whom they ſtile with the Name of Kablunœt) as alſo of their total Overthrow, as follows: A Greenland Woman in her Child-bearing, was once delivered of Kablunœt and Dogs Whelps, of which the Parents were highly aſhamed; and for that Reaſon withdrew from their Neighbours and Countrymen. This monſtrous Breed, being grown up, became ſo troubleſome to their Father, that he was not able to endure them; wherefore he retired yet further to ſome diſtant Place. Mean while this inhuman Race came to this horrible Agreement amongſt themſelves, to devour their own Father, whenever he ſhould happen to come among them; which a little after came to paſs, when he viſited them with a Preſed of ſome Part of a Seal, which he had taken,