Page:A description of Greenland.djvu/252

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The Natural Hiſtory

his Moſs was extinguiſhed; this makes the Moon look like a fiery Coal,Why the Moon ſhines not ſo bright as the Sun. and not ſhine ſo bright as the Sun. The Moon then run after the Sun round about the Houſe for to catch her; but ſhe, to get rid of him, flew up into the Air, and the Moon purſuing her, did likewiſe; and thus they ſtill continue to perſue one another, though the Sun's Career is much above that of the Moon[1].

The Moon ſeeks yet his Livelihood out of the Seas.They alſo tell us, that the Moon is yet obliged to ſeek for his Livelihood upon the Earth and Sea, in catching of Seals, as a Food he formerly was uſed to; which they pretend he is a doing, when he appears not in the Air: Nay, they do not ſtick to ſay, that he now and then comes down to give their Wives a Viſit, Careſſes their Wives.and careſs them; for which Reaſon no Woman dare ſleep ly-
  1. They aſſign the Moon a Houſe in the Weſtern Part of the World, where he is often viſited and reſtored to by the Angekkuts. And the Sun, they ſay, has her Abode in the Eaſt; but ſhe is inacceſſible on account of her Heat, which keeps the Angekkuts at a Diſtance; at which ſhe is ſorely grieved, becauſe ſhe cannot learn by them, how Matters ſtand upon Earth.