Page:A description of Greenland.djvu/239

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of Greenland.

cially if they are in a bad State of Health, pretending they have the Power to create new Souls in them, provided they pay them well for it, which the ignorant Fools are very willing to do. Angekuts preſribe ſuch Conduct, as, in divers Caſes, People muſt live by.They preſcribe to all Rules of Conduct and Behaviour in different Caſes, which Rules none dare reſuse to live up to with the greateſt Exactneſs imaginable; as, for Example, if any dies in a Houſe, thoſe of the Houſe cannot, for a ſet Time, do all ſorts of Work; eſpecially the Relations of the Deceaſed are obliged to abſtain, not only from certain Works, but likewiſe from certain Victuals.

If a Patient be under the Hands of an Angekkok, he muſt live by Rule, which they are accuſtomed to obſerve ſo exactly, that even when we have aſſiſted many of them with our Medicaments, they have always demanded what ſort of Diet they were to keep. Rules for Women in Child-bed.Women in Childbed are to abſtain from working, and from certain Victuals, viz. Fleſh Meat, which their own Huſbands have not taken, or that of a Deer, whoſe