Page:A description of Greenland.djvu/216

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The Natural Hiſtory

As to the Verbs, they are either ſimple or compounded: There are five Conjugations, to which may be added a ſixth of Negative Verbs. There are three Tenſes in all, the Preſent, Preterit and Future; and ſix Moods, viz. Indicative, Interrogative, Imperative, Permiſſive, Conjunctive, and Infinitive.

The Examples of the ſimple Verbs are theſe. The firſt Conjugation ends in kpok, as Ermikpok, he waſhes himſelf: Aglekpok, he writes.

The ſecond ends in rpok; as, Mattarpok he undreſſes himſelf. Aularpok, he ſets out on a Journey. Ajokarſorpok, he teaches. The third Conjugation ends in pokpurum: That is, in pok preceded by a Vowel; as Egipok, he throws away. Inginok, he ſits down. Akpapok, he runs.

The fourth ends in ok, or vok; as, Pyok, he receives. Aglyok, he grows. Aſſavok, he loves.

The fifth Conjugation ends in au; as, Irſigau, he ogles. Arſigau, he reſembles. Angekau, he is tall.
