Page:A description of Greenland.djvu/185

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of Greenland.
over. But ſometimes they take a ſhorter Way to go to Work, which is carnally to know one another, without the Advice or Conſent of the Parents[1]. Nevertheleſs their Matrimony is not of ſo indiſſolvable a Nature, but that the Huſbands often repudiate and put away their Wives,Greenlanders repudiate their Wives, if they do not ſuit with their Humours. if either they do not ſuit their Humours, or elſe if they are barren and do not bring forth Children (which they hold to be very ignomonious) and marry others. But if they have got Children by them, they bear a great deal with them, and keep them for Life. It is not rare to ſee that a Man beats his Wife, and gives her black Eyes, for her Obſtinacy and Stubbornneſs ſake; however they are ſoon reconciled and good Friends
  1. The wealthy Greenlanders ſhew their Liberality at their Son's Weddings.When a Man ſends for his Son's Bride, to be conducted to his Houſe, if he be in good Circumſtances, he makes a great Feaſt; and throws out for Prizes ſeveral Preſents of Poles, Rafts, Knives and other Toys. The ſame is practiced the Day following after the Bedding of the new-married Couple. If they have Children before the Year is paſt, or if they often breed, they are blamed, and compared to Dogs. A new married Woman is aſhamed for having changed her Maidenhead for a married State.