Page:A description of Greenland.djvu/182

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The Natural Hiſtory

Number of married Men and Women meet together at an Aſſembly; where, after they have taken their fill of Feaſting and Reveling, they fall a Singing and Dancing, according to their own Way; and in the mean while one after another take a Trip with each other's Wife, behind a Curtain or Hangings made of Skins at one End of the Houſe, where their Beds are placed, and there divert themſelves. Thoſe are reputed the beſt and nobleſt tempered, who, without any Pain or Reluctancy, will lend their Friends their Wives.

But, as I obſerved above, non but marriedMarried Women think they are much honoured by the Careſſes and carnal Converſation of an Angekkok. People frequent theſe ſort of Games, which, they imagine, is not unbecoming. Eſpecially the Women think themſelves happy, if an Angekkok, or Prophet, will honour them with his Careſſes: There are even ſome Men ſo generous, that they will pay the Angekkok for it; chiefly if they themſelves can get no Children; for they fancy that an Angekkok's Child will be more happy and better qualified for Buſineſs than others.
