Page:A complete course in dressmaking (Vol. 12, Men's clothes & index) (IA completecoursein00cono).pdf/21

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Fig. (13) Diagram for making pointed facing for sleeve

The Fig. 13 shows a pattern for a pointed facing which would finish one inch wide. Line CD is parallel to AB and one inch from it, while line GH is parallel to the first two lines and one-half inch from CD. Point E is centerway between points A and C and point F is one and one-quarter inches above it. In cutting out the pattern add the regulation seam allowance, three-eighths of an inch, at all points.

Fig. (14) Finishing the front of the sleeve vent

In joining the facing to the front edge of the slash, turn under the top and side AB a seam's width and join the edge GH to the edge of the slash. (See Fig. 14.) Fold the facing along the line CD and stitch as shown in Fig. 15. Lap the facing over the extension and

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