Page:A biographical dictionary of eminent Scotsmen, vol 9.djvu/394

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Bee, iv. ; Histories of the Period, . EBIGKNA, John, Scotus

Chalmers's Gen. Biog. Die., . . ^ EBSKINE, David (Lord Dun)

Scots Mag. 1764, 223

EBSKINK, David Stewart, Earl of Buchau

New Scots Mag. ii., . . - 223 EBSKINE, Ebenezer

Life by the Rev. Frazer; Acts of

General Assembly of the Church of Scot- land, of the Associate Presbytery, and of the Associate Synod; Pamphlets of the Period, &c., &c., .... 225 EBSKINE, Henry, Lord Cardross

Wood's Peerage ; Histories of the Period, 242 EKSKJNZ, (Hon.) Henry

Ed. An. Register, 1819; Edin. Lit. Jour- nal ; An. Obit. 1818, . . . - 243 EESKINE, John, of Dun

Scott's Lives of Reformers; Wodrow's

Ana. MS. ; M'Crie'a Knox and Melville, 247 EESKINE, John, Earl of Mar

Wood's Peerage ; Histories of the Period, 250 EKSKINE, John, of Carnock

Wood's Peerage ; Erskine's Institutes, . 264 EESKINE, (Dr) John

Life by Sir H. Moncrieff Wellwood; Scots Mag. 1803; An.- Obit. 1821; Guy Man-

nering, 266


Life Introductory to the folio edition of his Works ; Acts of General Assembly of the Church of Scotland, of the Associate Presbytery, and of the Associate Synod ; Pamphlets of the Period, . . .273 EESKINE, Thomas Alexander, Earl of Kellie

Wood's Peerage; Tradit. Information, 277 EKSKINB, Thomas, Lord Erskine

An. Obit. 1825; Ed. An. Reg. 1823 i His- tories of the Period, . 278 FALCONEB, William

Anderson's British Poets; Clarke's edit, of "The Shipwreck;" Life by Irving; Europ. Mag. 1830, . . .282


Scots Mag. 1797,1816; An. Obit. 1817;

Public Characters, 1799, 1800, . . 286 FEEGUSON, James

His Autobiography, prefixed to his Select Mechanical Exercises; Nichols's Lit. Anec.j Button's Mathematical Die., . 291 FEBGUSSON, Robert

Life by Sommers; Life by Irving; Life by Peterkin; Campbell's Hist. Scot. Poetry; Life by Mr. James Inverarity, in Supp. to Encyc. Brit. 8d edit. ; Edin. Lit. Jour- nal; Family Information, . . .302 FINJ.AYSON, James, D.D.

Scots Mag. 1808, 817


Life prefixed to his Works, . . .821 FLETCHEB, Andrew, of Salton

Life by Earl of Buchan ; Histories of the Period,. . . 323


FLETCHEB, Andrew, of Milton

Bee xi. ; Home's History of Rebellion of

1745, 331

FOEBES, Alexander, Lord Pitsligo

Memoir prefixed to his "Thoughts concern- ing Man," &c., ed. 1829, . . .333 FOEBBS, Duncan, of Culloden

Culloden Papers; Ty tier's Kames; His- tories of the Period; Edin. Review, . 335 FOBBES, Patrick

Biog. Brit.; Burnet'3 Life of BedeU, . 351 FOEBES, John

Life by Garden, prefixed to his Works,

1703; Keith's Catalogue, . . .354, FOBBES, (Sir) William, of Pitsligo

Family Papers and Information, . . 855 FOEDTCE, David

Chalmers's Biog. Die., . . . .371 FOBDYCE, George

Edin. Mag. xl.; Gent. Mag. 1802; Rees's

Cyclopedia 372

FOBDTCE, James, D.D.

Funeral Sermon by Dr. J. Lindsay; An.

Reg. 1796; Scots Mag. 1796, 1797, . 374, FOEDTCE, (Sir) William, M.D. . . .377 FOBDUN, John, &c.

Tytler's Lives of Scottish Worthies, . 378 FOBEESTEE, Rev. Thomas

Bee iv.; Milne's Ace. of Melrose; Maid-

ment's Pasquils, 380

FOESYTH, William

Rees's Cyclopedia; Gent. Mag. 1804, 1805, 882 FOULIS, Robert and Andrew

Notices and documents illustrative of the Literary History of Glasgow, presented to the Maitland Club, by Richard Dun- can, Esq 383

FBASEE, Simon, Lord Lovat

Histories of the Period ; Life of Lovat, 1797, 385 FULTON, George

Private Information, .... 404

GALL, Richard

Starke's Biographia Scotica, 1805, . . 405 GABDEN, Francis

Life prefixed to his Travelling Memoranda; Family Information; Papers in the Douglas cause, .- . .405 GAEDINEB, James

LifebyDoddridge; Wodrow's Ana. MS., 409 GED, William

Edin. Mag. 1792 ; Letters to George Paton ; Private Information, . . . .419

GEDDES, (Dr) Alexander

Edin. Mag. xl. ; Scots Mag. 1802; Life by J. Mason Good ; Notices in his own writ- ings, &c. f ...... 420


Chalmers's Biog. Die., .... 428

GEDDES, Michael

Birch's Life of Tillotson ; Athense Oxon., 228 GEEABD, Alexander, D.D.

His Works; Supp. to Encyc. Brit. 3d edit.; Forbes's Beattie; Funeral Sermon by Rev. Skene Ogilvie; Proposals for plan of Education in Marischal College, . 429