Page:A biographical dictionary of eminent Scotsmen, vol 6.djvu/255

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visable to comply, and soon after left Paris. He returned, however, by the way of London, where he remained a few months for the purpose of attending another course of Dr Hunter's lectures, together with those of Dr Sniellie on midwifery. From London he proceeded to Glasgow, when the proposed connexion with Dr Gordon immediately took place. This connexion continued for two years. At the end of that period, his partner having received a diploma, confined himself solely to the practice of physic, while Mr Moore continued the business of a surgeon, assuming now as his partner, Mr Hamilton, professor of anatomy, instead of Dr Gordon, who had necessarily, from the change in his practice, withdrawn from the concern.

In 1769, a circumstance occurred which totally altered Dr Moore's prospects in life, and opened up others more congenial, there is every reason to believe, than those to which his profession confined him. In the year just named, he was called upon to attend James George, duke of 'Hamilton, who, then but in the fourteenth year of his age, was affected with a consumptive disorder, of which, after a lingering illness, he died. Dr Moore's assiduity in this case, although unavailing as to the issue, led to a close connexion with the noble family of his late patient In the following year, having previously obtained a diploma as doctor of medicine from the university of Glasgow, he was engaged by the duchess of Argyle to attend her son, the duke of Hamilton, as a companion during his travels. The duke, who was at this time about fourteen or fifteen years of age, was, like his brother, also of a sickly constitution, and in Dr Moore was found exactly such a person as was fittest to attend him; one who combined a knowledge of medicine with some experience of continental travel, and an enlightened mind. The young duke and his companion remained abroad for five years, during which they visited France, Italy, Switzerland, and Germany.

On his return from the continent, which was in the year 1778, Dr Moore removed with his family from Glasgow to London, and in the year following, 1779, published his celebrated work, entitled, "A View of Society and Manners in France, Switzerland, and Germany." This work was so well received, that it attained a seventh edition in less than ten years, besides the Irish editions, and French, German, and Italian translations. Two years afterwards, he published a continuation of the same work, entitled, "A View of Society and Manners in Italy." During this period, however, his medical practice was by no means extensive ; a circumstance which has been attributed, not to any disinclination on the part of the public, with whom he was so popular as an author, to patronize him, but to his own reluctance to engage in the drudgery entailed on a general practice. The rambling and unfettered life which he had led upon the continent had, in a great degree, unfitted him for the laborious routine of professional duty, and his reluctance again to involve himself in it appears to have adhered to him throughout the whole of his after life, and greatly marred his prosperity in the world.

In 1785, he published his "Medical Sketches;" a work which sufficiently showed that his limited practice did not proceed from any deficiency of knowledge in his profession. It was received with much favour by the public, although it is said to have given offence to some of the medical gentlemen of the time, who thought their interest likely to suffer by the disclosures which it made of what had hitherto been considered amongst the secrets of the profession.

Dr Moore's next publication was his celebrated novel, "Zeluco," a work unquestionably of the very highest order of merit, and which has long since become one of the fixed and component parts of every British library.