Page:A Wreath of Cloud.djvu/39

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As winter drew on, the Lady of Akashi in her house by the Ōi river became very dispirited. Formerly the prospect of a visit from Genji was sufficient to rouse her from her melancholy; but now he found her always in the same dejected posture morning, noon and night: ‘How much longer is this to go on?’ he cried impatiently. ‘Do, I beg of you, make up your mind to come to my palace and use the quarters I have reserved for you.’ But he could never persuade her that she would not be thus exposing herself to a hundred indignities and affronts. It was of course impossible to be quite sure how things would go, and if, after all his assurances, the move did not turn out well, her vague resentment against him would henceforth be transformed into a definite and justified grievance. ‘Do you not feel,’ he said, ‘that it would be unfair to your child to keep it here with you much longer? Indeed, knowing as you do what plans[1] I have made for its future, you must surely see that you are behaving towards it with a lack of proper respect…. I have constantly discussed this matter with my wife and she has always shown great interest in the child’s future. If it is

  1. Genji had promised in due course to marry the child to the Heir Apparent, son of the Emperor Ryōzen.