Page:A Voyage to Surat in the Year 1689.djvu/21

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The Iſland of Madeira.

his own Death to make it ſtill the more deſolate. The Mariners however, who were not ſo readily dejected at this Miſadventure, ſet Sail with their Veſſel, and landed ſafely on the Coaſt of Barbary; where, after ſome Refreſhment and Reſpite upon the place, they fortunately fell into the Company of ſome Ingenious Portugueſe; to whom, after a little Conference, they Related the Hardſhips of the Voyage, the Situation and Native Pleaſantneſs of the uninhabited, but moſt habitable Iſland they had left, and the juſt hopes and proſpect they had of regaining a fight of it, were they but provided with Ships and Men. This excited the Attention of the Portugueſe, and likewiſe, without much reluctancy, procur’d their Promiſe of endeavouring with their Prince to incline him to hearken to theſe Propoſals, and likewiſe to equip them with Neceſſaries and Conveniencies for a ſecond Undertaking: And ſucceeding with him according to their wiſhes, they fet forward, found the Iſland, landed their Men, and in a ſhort time converted the Wilderneſs into a Garden of Pleaſure. Some
