Page:A Treatise on the Diseases produced by Onanism, Masturbation, Self-pollution, and other excesses.djvu/197

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there was considerable hemorrhage, requiring the application of ligatures. In a few weeks, the patient recovered.

The success of this operation induced Biett to advise a similar one in the following case:—

"Mademoiselle C***, ten years old, of strong constitution and good muscular developments, had been addicted to onanism since she was two years old. She was taught it by her nurse, who remarked that she was quieted, when crying, by titillating the clitoris, in which she was soon imitated by the patient. The habit finally caused great moral and physical degeneration. At first, the cause of her wasting away was unknown; but when it was discovered, the parents tried every mode to break her of it. Their vigilance was in vain—she still continued it. Her mind remained unaffected, but not so with her physical constitution. Mechanical means were now employed: the apparatus of Lafont was applied, but without success; and there was danger of her becoming idiotic. Her parents, after long hesitation, decided to have the clitoris removed. The operation was performed June 26, 1831, with perfect success. The patient became restored, and her voluptuous feelings disappeared."

Many have scruples in regard to this operation. They ask whether it is right to nip the enjoyments of love in the bud, &c. These considerations seem to me only to impose circumspection in respect to the operation, and to show that the operation never should be employed until all other remedies have been tried. But when life is to be saved, or the mind is to be preserved, then we ought not to hesitate. We then do, as in amputating a limb—we sacrifice a part for the whole. Nor is it demonstrated, that the venereal sense is for ever extinguished, by removing the clitoris. This organ is not the exclusive seat of venereal sensations, as we have already seen, and shall see again. Hence, it may be feared, for this reason, that the operation may not be successful. In fact, only the prominent part of the clitoris is cut off: a large portion of the cavernous bodies remains. If the operation is