Page:A Treatise on Medical Astrology.djvu/58

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Sulphur.—Chronic rheumatism; other remedies do not seem to have any effect; dull, aching pains.


Aconite.—Pain drives one almost desperate; anxiety and fear of death.

Coloc.—Violent, rending, and darting-pains; worse from touch or motion; principally on the left side.

See lumbago and rheumatism.


Arsenic.—Swelling of the feet; burning pain; parts burn like fire; better from warmth and by motion.

Colch.—Little or no swelling; skin rose colored and leaves white spots from pressure of the finger; spasmodic pains.


Bell.—Cramping pain in the back; sensation as if back would break.

Mercury sol.—Symptoms all worse at night and during cold, wet weather.

Nux vom.—Bruised pain in the small of the back; worse when turning in bed.

See rheumatism and sciatica.