Page:A Treatise on Medical Astrology.djvu/54

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ing pain in the stomach.

China.—Stomach feels full and tight; aversion to food; weak and debilitated.

Lycopodium.—Canine hunger; disgust of warm food; bloated after eating; heartburn; desire for oysters.

Nux vom.—Bitter taste in the morning; cramp-like pain in the stomach, worse after meats; suitable after stimulants.

Puls.—Tongue coated white or yellow; fatty food, pork, sweets, and ice cream disagrees; nightly diarrhoea.

Sulphur.—Acidity of the stomach; feels weak and faint about 11 A.M.

For acidity of the stomach, give Sepia or Sulphur. For heartburn, Carbo veg.China and nux vom. For aching and burning in the stomach, arn.ars.bell.


Carbo veg.—Water brash, especially at night; burning in the stomach.

China.—Heartburn after every meal; great fullness after eating.

Nux vom.—Belching of bitter fluids at night; vomiting after meals.

Sepia.—Burning in the stomach.

Phos.—Belching of bitter water; very sleepy after dinner.