Page:A Treatise on Medical Astrology.djvu/49

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Aconite.—In the first stage; high fever and restlesness; after exposure to cold west wind; great pain on swallowing.

Bell.—Flushed face: dry, barking, spasmodic cough: jumping during sleep.

Cham.—Croup with hoarseness; wheezing and rattling of mucus in the throat; short, dry cough, worse at night and during sleep.

Cuprum.—Violent, spasmodic coughing spells; short, dry cough, arresting the breathing; suffocating spells.

Dros.—Short, hacking cough; sensation of a feather in the throat: patient places hand on stomach when coughing; voice has a deep base sound; spasmodic spells.

Hepar s.—Loose, rattling, choking cough; violent fits of coughing, as if the patient would suffocate; drowsiness.

Lachesis.—In advanced cases; the slightest pressure on the throat and larnyx causes spasmodic cough; worse after sleep.

Spongia.—Crowing, barking cough; slow, wheezing respiration; suffocating fits; better with head bent back.


Aconite.—Shortness of breath; inability to breath deeply; worse when asleep.