Page:A Treatise on Medical Astrology.djvu/12

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From an Astrological standpoint we look to the Sun, Moon and ascendant for indications of good or bad health, or as astrologers term it, the Hyleg—the giver of life. From the rules laid down by the ancient astrologer, and which are generally accepted by modern artists, we find that the 4th house rules the grave, or the end of life; the 6th house is termed the house of sickness; while the 8th house is the house of death. From the above we readily see that the 6th house and its ruler will assist in pointing out the kind of sickness which one will be affected by; therefore the 6th house and ruler are important factors and must not be overlooked in ascertaining the kind of disease one may be affected by. Should the ruler of the 6th house be posited in the 1st house, or rising at birth, and afflicting the ruler of health usually denotes a frail constitution and a great deal of tedious sickness during life, but does not necessarily indicate an early death unless other evil testimonies are found; should the ruler of health be located in the 6th house and afflicted we judge much the same.

The 8th house and ruler points out to