Page:A Treatise on Electricity and Magnetism - Volume 1.djvu/279

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When the angle is a salient one is less than , and the surface-density varies according to some inverse power of the distance from the edge, so that at the edge itself the density becomes infinite, although the whole charge reckoned from the edge to any finite distance from it is always finite.

Thus, when the edge is infinitely sharp, like the edge of a mathematical plane. In this case the density varies inversely as the square root of the distance from the edge.

When the edge is like that of an equilateral prism, and the density varies inversely as the power of the distance.

When the edge is a right angle, and the density is inversely as the cube root of the distance.

When the edge is like that of a regular hexagonal prism, and the density is inversely as the fourth root of the distance.

When the edge is obliterated, and the density is constant.

When the edge is like that in the inside of the hexagonal prism, and the density is directly as the square root of the distance from the edge.

When the edge is a re-entrant right angle, and the density is directly as the distance from the edge.

When the edge is a re-entrant angle of 60°, and the density is directly as the square of the distance from the edge.

In reality, in all cases in which the density becomes infinite at any point, there is a discharge of electricity into the dielectric at that point, as is explained in Art. 55.

EXAMPLE V. Ellipses and Hyperbolas. Fig. X.

192.] We have seen that if

. (1)

and will be conjugate functions of and .

Also, if


and will be conjugate functions. Hence, if


and will also be conjugate functions of and .

In this case the points for which is constant lie in the ellipse whose axes are and .