Page:A Tale from the Rainbow Land (1914).pdf/26

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and the pink glow of young mango leaves, and saw a flock of wild goats filing along one of the narrow, shelflike trails; and one of the young girls spoke:

"I had mine made with an Irish crochet yoke," she said, "and a turquoise velvet girdle, and it is a million times prettier than Helen's."

"Well, I should hope so," said the other. "She looks like a fright in hers."

Again the two little Menehunes crept away without looking at each other; and they saw two men approaching from the farther side bne little Menehune drew his brother's hand again. "Come," he said, "they, surely, will be talking of their work and planning their good deeds."

The other hesitated—then he yielded. "Yes, they do look strong and fine and wise," he said; and so the," crept more near.

Far down below, within the center of the gorge, a God-made temple rose for full two thousand feet—of brown and orange, with a great arched entrance all of gold and black—and there were spires and