Page:A Sheaf Gleaned in French Fields.djvu/133

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Fair angel in thy glass
When vile things move or pass,
Clouds in the skies amass;
Terrible, alas!
Thy stern commands are then,
'Form, form battalions, men,
The flag display.'
And men obey.

Angel of night!
Sent kings to smite,
The words in dark skies glance,
'Mené, Mené;' hiss
Bolts that never miss!
Thy name is France,
Or Nemesis.

As halcyons in May
O nations, in his ray
Float and bask for aye,
Nor know decay!
One arm upraised to heaven
Shuts the past forgiven;
One holds a sword
To quell hell's horde.

Angel of God!
Thy wings stretch broad
As heaven's expanse!
To shield and free
Thy name is France
Or Liberty.