Page:A Series of Plays on the Passions Volume 1.pdf/394

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And sees't thou not that motion of his hands?
He stands like one who hears a horrid tale.
Almighty God!
(Manuel goes into the convent.)
He comes not back; he enters.

Freb. Bear up, my noble friend.

Jane. I will, I will! But this suspence is dreadful.

(A long pause. Manuel re-enters from the convent, and comes forward slowly, with a sad countenance.)

Is this the pace of one who bears good tidings?

O God! his face doth tell the horrid fact;
There is nought doubtful here.

Freb.How is it, Manuel?

Man. I've seen him through a crevice in his door:
It is indeed my master.
(Bursting into tears.)

(Jane faints, and is supported by Freberg.—Enter Abbess and several Nuns from the convent, who gather about her, and apply remedies. She recovers.)

1st Nun. The life returns again.

2d Nun.Yes, she revives.

Abb. to Freb. Let me entreat this noble lady's leave
To lead her in. She seems in great distress:
We would with holy kindness soothe her woe,
And do by her the deeds of christian love.