Page:A Series of Plays on the Passions Volume 1.pdf/360

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(To the Countess.) My love, the morning, now, is far advanced;
Our friends elsewhere expect us; take your leave.

Lady to Jane. Farewell! dear madam, till the ev'ning hour.

Freb. to De Mon. Good day, De Monfort. (To Jane.) Most devoutly yours.

Rez. to Freb. Go not too fast, for I will follow you.
[Exeunt Freberg and his Lady.
(To Jane.) The Lady Jane is yet a stranger here:
She might, perhaps, in the purlieus of Amberg
Find somewhat worth her notice.

Jane. I thank you, Marquis, I am much engaged;
I go not out to-day.

Rez. Then fare ye well! I see I cannot now
Be the proud man who shall escort you forth,
And shew to all the world my proudest boast,
The notice and respect of Jane De Monfort.

De Mon. (Aside, impatiently.) He says farewell, and goes not!

Jane to Rez. You do me honour.

Rez. Madam, adieu! (To Jane.) Good morning, noble marquis. [Exit.

(Jane and De Monfort look expressively to one another, without speakings and then Exeunt, severally.)