Page:A Scene from Contemporary History.djvu/22

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that I regard this war as supremely imprudent This declaration may hurt you, but I have assuredly the right to hold an opinion on such a question I love my country, I have been affected more grievously than any body by the events of 1866, more than any body I desire a reparation, in my profound conviction and, if I may dare to say it, in my experience, the occasion is badly chosen (Interruption)

Some members from the left—Very good!

M Thiers—More than any body, I repeat it, I desire the reparation of the evets of 1866, but I find the occasion detestably chosen (Denals)

Some members from the left—Yes!

M Thiers—Without any doubt Prussia is gravely in the wrong, very gravely Since a long time in truth she has been telling us that site was busy only with the affairs of Germany, with the destiny only of the German fatherland, and all of a sudden, we have found her upon the Pyrennees, preparing a candidateship that France must or may regard as an offence to her dignity, and as an enterprise against her interests (Very good! Very good! from the centre and from the right)

You addressed Europe, and Europe with a warmth win cli does honor to herself, desired that upon the essential point right be done to you, upon this point in effect you have had satisfaction the candidateship of the Prince of Hohoniollein has been withdrawn

From the centre and from the right—But no, no!

From the left—Very good! Go on!

M Thiers—You have expressed your opinion, let me tell you mine in a few words This urgency which you are so eager to use, it is yours, it has been voted, you are going to enjoy it, you are going to have the power of giving yourself up to all the ardour of your sentiments, let me express to you mine, all sorrowful though they be, and if you do not understand, that in this moment I fulfil a duty, and the most painful duty of my life, I pity