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vntill ſuch time as he ſate in counſell; where beeing the daye following, the Gentlemen was called for; who after hee had deliuered his meſſage, the requeſt was read alowd in the preſence of al the Princes Mareſhalls of France, and principall Lords and Gentlemen, of which there was then a great number about King. By which requeſt, beſides the deſiring of his Maieſtie, ſhe did adiure not onely the Princes & Nobilitie of France, but alſo all the Princes of Chriſtendome, to be aſsiſters in this iuſt cauſe. His Maieſtie making aunſwere himſelfe, declared that he highlie commended her vehemencie in following this ſute, and ſent his ſaid requeſt vnto his Court of Parliament tranſported to Towers, that his Atturney general, with the Atturney of the ſaid Ladie, might make the information againſt the offenders, to the intent the matter might bee determined afterward in his preſence, in manner and forme conuenient. And for his owne part, althought the ſaid ſute were commendable in the ſaid Ladie, yet he would not ceaſe to proſecute the matter, but vowed in the preſence of the cōpanie, that he would imploy his trauaile and armes, vntill ſuch time as he had done the iuſtice, that God had appointed him to doo. So that as the pitifull termes of the Requeſt of the ſaid Ladie, had filled the eyes of all the hearers with teares; the Princelie anſwere of his Maieſtie had quickly dried them with a deſire of reuenge. At which time was renued by thē all with a lowd voyce, the oath of not laying downe Armes, vntill ſuch time as they had reuenged the hateful death of the late King their maſter: & to haue ſeene their countenances, it had not been for the pro-fite