Page:A Recitall of that which hath happened in the Kings Armie.pdf/5

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Armie, was enterpriſed by practiſes and intelligences, to excuſe the ſlender care, and ſmall courage of thoſe, which were within the Citie: where they liuing at their pleaſure, being ſo neſted that there was no meanes to drawe them out, his Maieſtie determined to take the towne and caſtle of Eſtampes, beeing mooued thereunto by the aduertiſement hee had, that the Lord Cluremont of Lodeſue with fiftie or three ſcore Gentlemen had thruſt themſelues into it, thorough the aſſurance the Duke de Maine had giuen them, (and confirmed by manie of his letters which were intercepted) that he wold come to reliue them with all his Armie. His Maieſtie knowing that the Duke de Maine had bound himſelfe by his faith and honour to relieue Eſtampes, thought to giue him occaſion to ſeeke the battaile, through the beſiegeing of it: and in hope thereof departed from the village of Linars vpon Sunday the firſt day of Nouember, and arriued at Eſtampes with all his Armie; which he had inuironed the ſame day in the morning: & although he could not come thether before day light was ſhut in, yet at his firſt comming he wonne the ſuburbes, which the enemies made ſhowe they would defend. The very ſame night the town likewiſe was wonne, and the men of warre did retire themſelues into the caſtle; which was immediately inuironed, & approches made, and two Culuerins were placed in batterie, the Tueſday folowing by faire day light. Which they within ſeeing, and that the Armie which ſhould haue relieued them, did not appeare, nor that there was any newes of it, demanded a Parle, and yeelded themſelues the ſame day: with condition that eightof