Page:A Recitall of that which hath happened in the Kings Armie.pdf/3

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A Recitall of
that which happened in the Kings
Armie, ſince the taking of the Sub-
urbes of Paris, vntill the ta-

king of the Towne of

Llthough that common examples doo ſufficiently ſhewe vs, that patient forbearing ſufficeth to giue legitimate Princes the infallible victorie of Rebellions, without the hazarding of battailes; yet not withſtanding, the loue of his Maieſtie hath been ſo great towards his ſubiects, that for to redeeme them from the oppreſsions which they ſuffer, and are yet to ſuffer through the continuance of a long warre, hee hath deſired nothing more for the ſpeedie ending thereof, (ſince the taking of armes in hand) than to aduenture the iuſtice of his cauſe, vpon the ſucceſſe of a battaile, hauing ſought to draw all his enemies thereunto by al meanes poſsible. Firſt of all, when they ſought him in Normandie, they reported, that they went not to giue battaile, but to a victorie alreadie gotten. At which time, (in their ſight) he went to beſiege and take the towne and ca-ſtle