Page:A Recitall of that which hath happened in the Kings Armie.pdf/27

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little and little made them ſubiects to the ſimpleſt ſoldiers of their troupes, if there bee anie brute of the Kings Armie comming, in ſtead of preparing to preſerue the people, vſe no other induſtrie, but to burne halfe their Townes, and the greateſt part of the Villages within two miles round about, then making them to trauaile daye and night in making rampiers and retrenchments: and yet when they are beſieged, if they doo but ſee the Cannon, thinke themſelues excuſed of their honour, in making their compoſition to depart with their liues and baggage ſaued; leauing no token behinde them of their protection, but one halfe of the Townes in aſhes, & the peopel with a halter about their neckes: ſo that if the Prince they haue to deale with were not mercifull, a whole forreſt could not furniſh for gallowes that would be employed.

Is it poſsible that they ſee not nor know not (that thoſe which haue beene ſo readie to mooue vp theſe ſeditions, are now ſo audacious & malicious as to maintaine them? and that his Maieſtie defending his kingdome againſt tyrannie, his people againſt ſtrangers, and iuſtice againſt iniquitie) the ſucceſſe of his enterpriſes, muſt needes be correſpondent to the equitie of his cauſe; that ineuitable deſtruction will come vpon them that reſiſt him, if the word of God (as it is) be true. For our parts, we moſt humblie beſeech God, to make them able to conſider and acknowledge it, and aboue all things, that it woulde pleaſe God to preſerue his Maieſtie, from al miſhaps that might happen vnto his perſon, and prolong his life: for ſo great need haue we of France of his pre-ſence